D.K. Brainard and his Healing Words

It is funny how people come into our lives. While it can seem random and insignificant, I like to believe that it is all part of the plan, the path that our lives are supposed to take at that moment in time. There have been key people I have met along the road that have impacted me in ways that have touched me so deeply and forever changed me.
D.K. Brainard is one of those people.
I first met D.K., astrologer and hypnotherapist, in October of 2008, while attending the Maria Shaw Convention, a metaphysical fair, in Midland with my mother. It had been just shortly over a year since my brother, Vince, had been killed by a drunk driver while on his motorcycle. He was run over and drug underneath the car for over 100 feet, suffering severe trauma to his chest and nearly every bone in his body broken. He fought for his life for almost six hours, before crossing over with my mother, brother, Elliot, and I holding him.
In the months following, we grieved while also going through the process of the court trial to convict the man who had killed him, which compounded the grief even further, as we had to relive the accident over again in court. Thankfully, almost a year after the accident, the driver was convicted of 2nd Degree Murder and sent to prison for life. It marked the end of the prolonged trauma to our hearts and family and marked the beginning of our healing.
I didn't really want to attend the event. At that time, I didn't really want to even leave the house, but I needed a break and I needed to spend some time with my mother, who was destroyed and trying to find some answers as to why this had happened to her son. We woke up early to attend a few of the lecture-style classes, but decided to swing into the main room first to check it out.
That is when I first saw D.K., striking, towering over everyone and the only guy in a room full of estrogen laden women. He sat down at his table and removed the blue bandanna he had tied around his head.
And that's when I got the message, loud and clear. At that moment, he looked so much like my brother, that I knew we were both in that room for a reason.
I reluctantly walked up to his table. I was feeling pretty antisocial at the time and the last thing I wanted to do was talk to a stranger. But the energy surrounding this moment was so powerful, I had to do it. So I walked up to him, hair disheveled and pulled back in a headband, an old "grandma" style sweater coat, no makeup and bags under my eyes. Looking and feeling like the last year had added 30, with a wound in my heart so big, I'm surprised it could still beat.
I sat down for a 15 minute reading. After talking with him for a few moments, I was immediately put at ease. I felt like I had known him forever. He looked at my chart, which clearly showed the trauma as well as some positive stuff ahead. He recommended that I read Journey of Souls, a book that changed my perspective on life and death. He also suggested that I listen closely for messages from my brother, something that I was blocking at the time, because it was too painful. He also told me that I needed to get outside of my box (hmmm, ya think!) - to do something crazy to jump start my healing process and get myself out of the funk I was in, something like dye my hair. Huh???
That following week I dyed my hair red and the healing began.
I followed D.K.s weekly horoscopes and blog posts for the months that followed, finding inspiration in his predictions and comfort in the stories he shared from his own life. Stories of how his own healing process unfolded after hitting rock bottom, without glossing anything over. Just real, honest, raw words.
Over time, through correspondence and taking one of D.K.s workshops, we formed a friendship that I am grateful for. He is a continual source of inspiration, guidance and positive energy and a blessing in my life. D.K. has an amazing healing gift to share with us all.
Our words are powerful. It was these simple words from a stranger that began to lift me from the darkest place I have ever been. It is hard for me to look back at that place, but it serves as a way to remind myself just how far I have come. I am thankful for meeting D.K. and I'm certain that my brother lead me to him.
Check out D.K.s website for free weekly horoscopes, workshops and a new service he just launched that offers downloadable guided meditations and expanded horoscopes. You'll be glad ya did...

Mask of the Month: Holiday Hand Puddin' Treatment

My hands before!  Dry and flaky! Heeeelp!
Like clockwork, by time the Holidays come around, my hands get really dry. Although I use plenty of hand lotion, I always have my hands in water and if I don't stay on top of it, the flaky tightness sets in. Here is a before pic (above) of my beat up mitts! They surely need some love!
A closeup of my "before' hands.
I whipped up this hand "puddin'" treatment to remedy the situation with some ingredients that were handy. The treatment includes a pre-treatment of a coconut sugar scrub, followed by the luxurious hand puddin'.

1T raw sugar (or just regular sugar works great, too)
A bit of coconut or olive oil

Mix ingredients in a small bowl to make a paste and massage onto DRY hands for about a minute. Rinse in lukewarm water and immediately apply hand puddin'

A closeup of my "after" hands.
Holiday Hand Puddin'
1 egg yolk
1t honey
1/2t coconut or olive oil
A splash of cream or goat milk (which is what I used)
A few drops of vanilla extract (just to stimulate the senses :) )

After - Soft and smooth again! Phew!
Whip all ingredients together in a small bowl and warm in the microwave for 5-10 seconds (any more and the egg yolk will start to cook). Apply to hands after using pre-treatment. It will be a bit runny. Wrap hands in plastic wrap or plastic food storage bags (you can also then slip on heated hand mitts if you have them), put on some of your favorite music, a soothing eye and/or neck pack and lie back and relax for 15 minutes. Unwrap hands and gently remove puddin' with a warm wet cloth, followed by a quick lukewarm rinse. Pat hands dry and while they are still damp, rub in some of the oil you used in the pre-treatment. Slip on some clean cotton gloves and kick back again to give the oil time to soak in. This is a great treatment to do at night so that you can leave the gloves on all night. It also works great on feet, too!!!
Here is an after pic of the same hand after the treatment. Much softer and way more hydrated! You can do this treatment as often as needed during the Winter months.